About us

Flikerex is a company that specializes in helping creators grow their YouTube channel. We offer video editing services to turn your raw footage into polished videos that captivate your audience. We also offer a full range of services to help you grow your channel, including channel management, SEO optimization, and consultation on how to improve your video and get more views.

At Flikerex, we’re proud to be a part of the YouTube community and contribute to its growth and success. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your channel to the next level, Flikerex is here to help you unlock your full potential on YouTube. Contact us today to get started!

Our Mission

Our mission at Flikerex is to empower creators to achieve their goals and make an impact on YouTube. We strive to provide high-quality video editing and comprehensive channel management services to help our clients stand out in a crowded online space. We believe that YouTube is more than just a platform – it’s a community of creators and viewers who share their passions and ideas with the world. Our mission is to be a positive force within this community, to contribute to its growth and success, and to help creators unlock their full potential on YouTube.

About Me

Hi, I’m Ankit Chowdhury, also known as Ryan, and I’m the founder and CEO of FlikerEx. Our agency specializes in video editing and YouTube management, helping creators share their unique voice and story with the world. With over three years of experience, we understand the importance of high-quality content and effective YouTube management strategies in growing your audience.


Most frequent questions and answers

How fast can I expect results?

Our process will start getting you results in 1-3 months. However, with YouTube, the key is long-term thinking. Our goal is to create a YouTube channel for you that will constantly generate leads for your business even 5-10 years from now.

How much does it cost?

We have multiple packages with multiple prices according to the amount of videos uploaded per month. (between $500-$2000/month) On our call we will assess your situation and figure out what would be the best option for you.

What makes us different?

We don’t really focus on views or subscribers; it will come overtime. What we value is leads and paying clients that you get from YouTube. This service isn’t for people who are doing YouTube for fun. It’s almost a completely done-for-you YouTube service that is focused on getting the most clients possible for your business.

Do you offer YouTube Shorts?

Yes. But in our experience, long-form content gets the best value and result for any youtubers, mostly for coaches/consultants, so we mainly focus on that. but we will offer you shorts also.

Do you run paid ads to generate leads?

yes, we do, if you don’t want to stick on just YouTube for the clients and want to invest on paid ads to get lots of leads that can be your clients then yeah, we will run paid ads, and we will make sure that you don’t spend extra money on it.

Where will you run the paid ads?

there are lots of platform, google, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and Facebook, and we think Facebook is the best way to do it so we will use Facebook but, in some case, we can google, it’s also best.